A computer engineer with a strong passion for the fiber arts, travelling and foreign languages.
This year I am trying out something new, I am attending the Swiss Yarn Festival 2024 as an exhibitor! The Swiss Yarn Festival is the largest fiber and handcraft* related event in Switzerland. It takes place once a year in spring in a small town outside of Zurich. The event is quite versatile: there are…
Collection One: Origins The theme of the first collection is “Origins”. I created this collection for the local yarn store fraukuhn. I have been working as a knitting instructor at the yarn store in this location for several years. With the business takeover by Simone Kuhn, the assortment of yarns changed, resulting in many qualities…
I am looking for a tech editor that can support me in producing professional knitting and crochet patterns. Some words about my work I write patterns in English and German for garments, accessories and other items. Difficulty varies from beginner to advanced/experienced. I sometimes combine knitting and crochet techniques in the same pattern. I…
I have spent the past week going through the yarn in my stash, organizing, but mostly making some choices. I realized that even though I do knit/crochet a lot, some yarns do not seem likely to be used in the foreseeable future. And because the space they occupy in my apartment is causing me quite…
Hello friend and welcome back! This blog has been rather quiet the last few years. There are several reasons for that. If you would like to know the story, you can read the blog post I wrote about it in my knitting/crochet blog. Disclaimer: it is long and personal. In this post I will focus…
We are very excited to introduce a new version of our exclusive care label cards. Kar{e}tpostal cards were originally created as an artistic and practical approach to care laundry labels for handmade products. The first version was digital and provided several layout options for the front part of each card. It is still available for…
Patterns of a theme is a series featuring patterns in knitting and crochet based on a specific theme. 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of Star Trek and with the many celebrations around the world (including the Starfleet Academy Experience), I thought of taking a different approach, and look into what knitters and crocheters have come…
Last Saturday, on the 18th of June, we celebrated for the first time in Patras, the worldwide event Knit in Public Day. The event took place at Mouselin Patisserie and in order to create a more suitable atmosphere, we decorated the space with several knitted and crocheted items. We had the attendance of total 10…
Patterns of a theme is a series featuring patterns in knitting and crochet based on a specific theme. Today we take a look at the last group of patterns inspired by Greece and we are concentrating on a variety of objects: bags, dishcloths, appliques. In the first part we talked about sweaters, a dress and…
Visiting a live Artwork Gallery Yesterday evening we had the pleasure of visiting the Art exhibition organised by Frank, featuring many of his works and with the title: “Παρενόχληση στο Αστικό Κατεστημένο” (Disturbance on the Civil Status Quo). There was a tour being held by the artist, that sparked dialogue and very interesting ideas. The…