Visiting a live Artwork Gallery
Yesterday evening we had the pleasure of visiting the Art exhibition organised by Frank, featuring many of his works and with the title: “Παρενόχληση στο Αστικό Κατεστημένο” (Disturbance on the Civil Status Quo).
There was a tour being held by the artist, that sparked dialogue and very interesting ideas. The discussions included various social, spiritual and intellectual arguments. The main idea of the tour was to explore different points of view, in order to re-examine what’s taken for granted in daily life, perception and of ourselves.
This is the artist’s second personal exhibition and it will be running until the 8th of April. (@Πολυχώρος Ακτίνα, Κωνσταντινουπόλεως 53)
You can find selected photos from the event below:
[rev_slider frank-gallery-mar-16]